Make a difference. Become an Advisor.

You have the expertise. We have the tools.

Through the Heroes Network, volunteer Advisors are able to leverage their professional experience to help veterans, those serving, and their families navigate the civilian job market and build meaningful careers. Advisors provide a range of assistance from resume review and interview preparation to insights on companies, industry sectors, and private sector expectations.

Who can become an Advisor?

Anyone with experience working in the public and private sectors and a desire to connect with veterans should become an Advisor. Advisors come from all industries and are at any point in their careers. Our Heroes are looking for Advisors with diverse job functionsβ€”from engineers to marketers and beyond. Advisors can also be retired and ready to share their career-length knowledge. Although some Advisors are veterans themselves, no military experience is required. In fact, those that did not serve typically have more experience in the workforce and therefore have more to share.


A line drawing of a blue circle with controls to adjust settings in the center.


Connect with your Heroes (Advisees) anytime, from anywhere. You can spend as much or as little time as you’d like volunteering based on your own needs and schedule.

And, you can connect to the network from your desk, your car, the beach, or wherever else you happen to beβ€”as long as you can access the internet.

A line drawing of a cellphone with a badge in front of it. Inside the badge is a lock.


Heroes Linked ensures that your personal contact information is kept private at all times. All messages, phone calls, and video calls are funneled directly through the site, giving you the tools to maintain productive conversations and report abusive ones.

Easy to manage

Setting up and managing your Heroes Network profile is easy and intuitive

Hands typing on a laptop showing the Heroes Network homepage.


Provide some basic information about your professional background for your profile.

A man with headphones gazing intently at a laptop. A network of words that read "I'm interested in: Banking, Career Development, Work/Life Balance, The GI Bill" float around him.


Choose what information you’d like potential Advisees (Heroes) to share in their initial contact requests.

Close up of hands holding a cellphone and pen. Around the hands are bits of the Heroes Network interface.


Sit back and we’ll send you an email or a text message when a Hero messages you. You can continue or end a conversation at any time.

  • β€œI had a long career at Boeing working with the U.S. military, but I did not serve in the armed forces myself and I wanted to find a way to give back. As an Advisor, my goal is to help those who did serve to get them more financially sound and more financially secure.”

    – John Ventimiglia, Heroes Network Advisor

Ready to join the network?

A collage of Heroes Network Advisors and Heroes and a screenshot of the Heroes Network interface.