Relive the night—check out the unforgettable moments from the 2024 Heroes Linked Gala!

Heroes Linked Gala
Purchase Tickets & Sponsorships
Beverly Wilshire Hotel
9500 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills, Calif.
6:00 pm to 9:30 pm

An Unforgettable Experience on the Rhine or the Danube… You Choose!
An Unforgettable Experience on the Rhine or the Danube… You Choose!
Total Value of Package is $8,000!
Travel Europe’s great rivers on a 7-Night Cruise for Two with AmaWaterways, the premier European Cruise Operator.
Only 500 tickets will be sold.
You need not be present to win!

Australia or New Zealand Adventure Raffle
Win an all-inclusive vacation to Australia or New Zealand for Two —Valued at $35,000! Prize includes round-trip Business Class airfare on Qantas. Travel through the end of 2025!
You pick your destination, activities, and accommodations with the experts at Down Under Endeavours.
Only 500 tickets will be sold.
You need not be present to win!

16th Annual Heroes Linked Golf Classic
Grab your clubs and join us for golf, food, and cocktails. Participants will play the famous “Ike” Course—home to U.S. Open Qualifying tournaments.