One Minute of Silence This Monday

It has been an unprecedented year. The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting quarantine measures have imposed enormous change on the daily life of every American. Some things, however, are transcendent. Observing Memorial Day 2020 this coming Monday remains vitally important so that we may honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms.

On Monday, May 25, tell everyone around you about the National Moment of Remembrance and ask that they join you in an act of national unity and respect for our fallen by going silent for one minute at exactly 3:00pm local time. The 60 seconds is but a moment in the day. But it is an important moment. It will help you remember our defenders’ sacrifices. ‘Freedom is not free’ is more than a slogan, it is a value. And values must be exercised.

We hope you will enjoy this holiday weekend in a safe and responsible way. Your freedom to do so was paid for by those who fought to defend our country and by those who gave their lives in doing so.

We are blessed to live in the land of the free BECAUSE of the brave.


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