A Celebration of the American Veteran Livestream Gala
The video includes testimonials about the MVAT Foundation from Medal of Honor recipients including former Staff Sergeant Ryan Pitts (top) and about the Heroes Linked program from veterans like Brian Wood (bottom).
The MVAT Foundation’s first ever livestream gala and fundraiser, A Celebration of the American Veteran, took place on Sunday, November 8. Holding the event on the cusp of Veterans Day was a choice meant to highlight the fact that America’s veterans face increased challenges in achieving post service career path success now more than ever due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, the more than $140,000 that was raised will go a long way toward ensuring that our Heroes Linked program continues to help veterans with that challenge.
To view the event, go to: the MVAT Foundation YouTube Channel
You will enjoy testimonials from veterans whose careers were improved through their use of the Heroes Linked program as well as powerful messages from Medal of Honor recipients Ryan Pitts and Clint Romesha. There are supportive words from key sponsors, a welcome from the MVAT Foundation Boards of Directors and Advisors, as well as an event introduction and a closing message from Board Chair Don Schwarz.
Our Heroes Linked program provides critically needed post-military service career building for young veterans and their spouses as well as those Gold Star survivors whose family member made the ultimate sacrifice. It is more important today than ever before and we need increased support to ensure it continues to serve America’s veterans and their families. This year alone, nearly 200,000 men and women will leave the military looking for their next chapter in life. The challenge is immense.
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